Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Referendum

Not that it will come as a surprise to anyone with whom I've discussed the matter, but I'm almost certain to vote No in the referendum on Scottish independence. I have, as honestly as I can, tried to keep an open mind. I'm not one of those who says that Yes voters are by definition daft. Many people who I love and respect are heading towards a Yes - even my wife is making noises in that direction (though possibly just because she likes disagreeing with me). But personally, it's going to be a No.

For what it's worth - here's a quick list of reasons why.

1. The whole world is becoming more connected. It makes no sense to put up more barriers.
2. The burden of proof has to be on those who support the change. Nothing has proved the case to me.
3. The Scottish Parliament is immature. I don't trust most of its politicians to make reasoned decisions.
4. UK Parliament wouldn't have overridden centuries of legal development and abolished corroboration.
5. The Scottish Parliament has an inadequate legislative system with no supervisory chamber (Lords).
6. For those reasons and more, the Scottish Parliament doesn't effectively hold government to account.
7. Economies of scale - pooling resources will always get a better deal.
8. Following on from that, Scotland could not support the banking system on its own 2008-style.
9. Same goes for defence etc. Makes sense to do it together.
10. Scottish culture is distinct, but we fool ourselves to think it's somehow superior and is held back by UK.
11. We have a shared combination of culture with the UK - frankly, I don't want to leave that.
12. Change always brings increased uncertainty and instability - why do it if there is no clear benefit?
13. Our economies are inextricably linked. Clear risks to business re additional costs of regulation.
14. Scotland has produced politicians and statesmen who literally shaped the world by the UK platform.
15. It seems based on the idea 'I'm not sharing'. I don't think that's very nice. Let the English have some oil.
16. It's a bit arbitrary. Why not an independent Glasgow? The peoples republic of Byres Road?
17. On that note - most of new oil is Shetland's. They will vote No. Bit unfair to take their oil, then?
16. North East or Northern Isles - all the oil is running out. That's no solid basis to build an economy on.
17. There are problems - but why not try and fix the UK rather than leave it, and still have same issues?
18. 'Independence' misunderstands history. We were never conquered or colonised. Our King became theirs.
19. The Yes campaign respond to genuine questions with vitriolic personal abuse. That's not nice.
20. Scottish distinctives flourish in the UK - Law, Education, Culture. No need to change.

I love being Scottish. I love being a part of the UK. I don't see why we should change that. No reason has been given to me that actually makes sense to me. 'Scotland's Future' just sets out a whole lot of political policies that any party could decide to pursue or not. It doesn't give good reasons to change the constitutional make up of the state.

So let's stay together. But even if not, let's try and be nice to each other where we disagree?