Friday, 5 August 2022

Ch ch ch changes

 Macintosh Day 2022.  Three years since we established our little tradition of taking our wedding anniversary and making it bit of a big deal with the kids, like Christmas in the middle of the summer.  A day to celebrate together with our wee clan, sharing stories of our family journey and treasuring the time we have together just us and our kids.


This year has been quite a year.  As I write this Roxy is just days away from giving birth to our fourth baby.  And we are also, God willing, just weeks away from selling up our lovely little home and moving on to a new place.


It’s been a year of disruption and unsettling change.  Some people thrive on change.  I hate it.  I like routine, the reassurance of consistency, the comfort of the familiar.  But what helps to keep me grounded in the midst of big changes in life is the knowledge that some things are unchanging.  On Macintosh Day especially, as we think back through the twists and turns of our lives thus far, I’m struck once more by the realisation that when everything else shifts and flickers, God’s faithfulness remains firm and unflinching.


I guess sometimes God needs to shake things up in order to remind us of what we actually depend on.  Sometimes He needs to make us a bit uncomfortable so He can push is to grow.  In this process of moving house and having this new baby, we’ve been very clearly reminded of how dependant we are on God.  And how He just never lets us down.  I’ll write the story properly when it’s all concluded, when we have our new baby and we’re sitting in our new home.  This entry is very much just a place holder.  But already, beyond doubt, we know that God’s hand has been at work in all that’s gone on this year.  Remarkable.  Prophetic words at just the right time.  Signs and guidance.  Surprising favour even in the nuts and bolts of offers and finances and all the back and forth of buying and selling houses.  Dreams and visions.


It’s not been easy – these things never are.  And it’s not over the line yet – who knows if there may be twists and turns yet to come.


But what is certain is this: 


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

    and he will make straight your paths.


This Macintosh Day we’re celebrating God’s faithfulness to us past and present.  And as we do so, He strengthens our resolve to trust and know that He will see us through.  After all, yesterday, today, tomorrow, He is the same.

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